Are your Clairs unclear?
A ring in the ear. A smell that’s not there. A pain that’s not yours. A knowing out of no where. A shadow in the corner of your eye.
A subtle, sometimes almost imperceptible, sensation that’s other. That’s different. That’s familiar to your soul but foreign to your life experience.
These are the moments when the veil between worlds thins, or is pierced, and for a moment you see a shadow, an outline, a reminder that there is so much more than our physical senses are capable of sensing.
Why do they happen? How do you know they’re “real” and not made up? Do they matter? And if they do…
How do you get the message?
Trust yourself. Trust that you are capable of such seemingly magical feats as sensing the Unseen. The Unseen, which is all around you just like the air you can’t see but you know that it’s there. Trust that there’s more in this vast Universe than just what your physical eyes, ears, nose, mouth, body and head can tell you about it.
Stay curious. The Universe wants to be seen and understood just as much as you do. As you engage with it in a sense of agape—being in awe and gratitude at the seemingly small and insignificant moments—life around you will awaken and you’ll connect in simpler ways that deepen and empower your connection with the Universe.
Record your experiences. Take notice of the moments, even when you don’t understand the significance or you wonder if it matters at all. With time you’ll notice patterns that teach you what to expect and what to adjust. You’ll gain confidence as to how you personally sense the Unseen (it isn’t the same for everyone) and how it communicates back to you.
Put it all together: Take note of a Clair when it happens. Stay curious about what it means without getting frustrated that you don’t know yet. Record down what you did notice, and any other intuitive thoughts, feelings or impressions that come to you while recording.
To learn more about clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairolfactance/clairaugustance, here are helpful resources:
Budding Psychic: Activation Course (self-paced and online)