Lion’s Gate 88 Portal
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling soul-level exhaustion on and off for the last few weeks. As exciting as the last few months have been with awakenings, healings, expansion of consciousness, and so on… it’s also felt like being in a pressure chamber where it’s just one thing after the other, without enough time in between to just be. To enjoy. To LIVE.
It’s time to restore to the soul's vital life force energy for peaceful abundance. Vital life force energy is to your soul, what blood is to your physical body. When you’re connected to it, you feel safe, content, centered, and at peace with yourself and life.
And there’s no better time to do it than right now during the 8.8 Portal, also known as the Lion’s Gate Portal. From July 26 - August 12, Earth and our Sun are aligned with Sirius, the second largest sun in our galaxy. The brightest, strongest time of this alignment is 8.8 (Aug. 8). When this happens, our souls are more easily and directly connected to Sirius, who feeds and nourishes our souls with golden waves and rays of vital life force energy.
But with exhaustion, can come the inability to plan for such an event. And if you’re new to this time of year, you may not even know where to start. Here’s some additional information about what this is, how it helps, why it matters, and how you can tap into the energy of this season:
What's the Lion's Gate 88 Portal?
This is a portal event, a moment when specific cosmic energies are in alignment and because of that, they open up a channel through which energies can flow easily and directly to you.
The Lion's Gate Portal happens every year from July 26 - August 12, when Sirius (the second largest sun in our galaxy) aligns with our sun and is the closest to Earth that it will be all year. The power of this moment peaks on 8.8, or August 8.
The energies of Sirius can be experienced in many ways, which I allow for in this meditation so that you can receive exactly what is for you, while also providing enough specificity for a structured and relaxing journey.
About Sirius
Sirius is a cosmic stargate. It houses many different beings and is a connection point across the galaxy and even beyond this galaxy to others.
For Earth, Sirius is known as our Spiritual Sun. Our personal sun is our Physical Sun. So when we need to replenish our Soul, we can soak up the Sirius sunlight in the same way the physical body needs our own sun's rays to feel healthy, whole, and happy.
Sirius is also a place of learning, of compiling knowledge, and of sharing it. It's like a galactic university filled with teachers, records, libraries, classrooms, and more. That's why, when we connect to Sirius especially during the Lion's Gate 88 Portal, we can experience immense downloads and powerful AHA moments.
The Ancients were very connected to Sirius for all these reasons and more. And you can benefit in the same ways they did, by spending these 30 minutes of time bonding and celebrating with Sirius in this immerse meditation.I’ve got a meditation to guide the way.
Lion’s Gate 88 Portal Meditation
This 27 min. guided meditation restores you to a peaceful abundance of Vital Life Force energy. Vital Life Force is to your Soul what blood is to your body. And there's no greater time to do this than during the Lion's Gate Portal from July 26 - August 12, peaking on August 8 (8.8). Travel to Sirius, meet a Sirian guide, receive messages and gifts, and soak up the golden vital life force.
This meditation:
doesn’t take any prep work,
is only 27 minutes long,
you can do it whenever is best for you,
you experience the restorative, joyful, and energizing power of this time, and
is only $16.
What you’ll experience:
Release from the heaviness of this world as we journey to Sirius.
Cleansing of toxins and burdens.
Receiving messages and downloads, specifically for you and your situation.
Connection with a Sirian guide who is waiting for you.
A gift from Sirius the Sun.
Restoration of golden vital life force energy to every layer of your being.
Supportive integration with the help of a dragon.
Access meditation here.