3 ways of anchoring to Self & Soul Path

The Spiritual Landscape is changing, evolving, expanding, compressing, diverging and converging. I’ve seen it moving in the ether like astral tectonic plates, creating tsunami waves of emotions, pushing mountains of truths to the surface, and burying the old ways in the depths of the divine darkness.

With so much constant shifting… How do you ride the waves, AND surrender to the unknown, AND feed your internal fire, AND ground yourself in practical practices?

How do you anchor to your Personal Soul Path, with so much going on, on every perceivable level of experience—spiritual, mental, emotional and physical? How do you remain connected to Self even as you heal and grow in such rapidly expanding ways?

Here are 3 things you can start doing right now:

  1. Use the word “and” when describing, to yourself, how you’re doing. Do this when you’re journaling, when you’re “mind-splaining” (self-narrating life as it’s happening), and even when answering the question: “How are you doing?” “And” allows your mind to comprehend how you can feel such a vast range of emotions, how one day can be so sparkly and the next day so heavy, and how to accept all that you are without rejecting any part of yourself. You are a multifacted being - this helps you anchor to that.

  2. Go play! Outside. Get yourself into nature and enjoy yourself. Do something that’s fun. Because it’s fun. Not to accomplish anything, heal anything, or even to meditatively ground. Get your fun-self dancing, skipping, hiking, climbing… ENJOYING yourself because you’re here. Because you’re alive. Play like it. This is one of the most anchoring things we can do, as it eases the survival and empowers the thriving.

  3. Make a list of what you want to experience. Make lists for what you want to experience daily, weekly, monthly, and within the next year. Consider your real life needs as part of this, but don’t hesitate to dream big and want more. Saying what you want anchors you into your creator abilities as the spider of your own web and not the fly trapped in the web of someone else’s making.

For additional support and direction:

Sara | Energy Healer | Psychic Mentor

Sara Gunther is a seasoned, certified energy healer and psychic medium with over 8 years of experience helping clients understand, release, and integrate energies, empowering personal healing in the emotional, spiritual and physical realms. Her practice, Cosmic Sagery, is focused on giving her clients and mentees the tools and support they need during their personal journeys — helping them have conversations with the cosmos within. She specializes in psychic mentorship, activation, and coaching in one-on-one and group settings.


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