Why you’re only seeing a piece or part of your Spirit Guide

You’ve been connecting with your Spirit Guides, perhaps picking up on a piece or small image of them. But it’s only their hands or only their feet, or just some weird aspect of them.

You might be wondering why.

Here’s one possibility. It’s because you’re not quite ready yet. Your paradigm, your experience with them … it's still unfolding and developing.

Don’t hear “I’m not ready yet” as a negative. It's okay if you're not ready yet, meaning, it's okay if your paradigm of other beings and forms of beings — your constructs and lenses, the way you view yourself and the world, is still being deconstructed to prepare you for whatever form they do manifest in. And/or who they actually are.

We do a lot of judging of what we see.

Especially with Spirit Guides and spirituality where a lot of us come from a Christian space where beings with horns are devils.

So you see a being with horns, and you think, Oh my gosh, it’s a demon or a devil. “They’re not here for me.” And your nervous system kicks in and you get really stressed out. And you miss the whole point that this being is actually really loving and awesome and they just want to help you. And maybe demons and devils aren’t what you thought. This example comes up quite a bit in sessions; I’ve seen it pretty consistently. Although there are other examples of beings, not just demons, that present oddly, out of our paradigm, and it takes some processing to identify and accept the way they present.

The idea is to allow them to acclimate you slowly and gently in getting to know them better.

If you find that this is resonating for you, ask yourself, “What form is the most scary to you and why?” And as you work through that, you’ll be able to see them in more of their true form. They are also acclimating to your presence. Like, “Hey, I’m here, is that freaking you out?” Perhaps you can sense or feel them behind a door or a window because they want you to feel safe inside your contained space like the room that you’re in. So they’re giving you that sense of safety, like, “Look, I’m not here to impose. I’m not here to make you feel unsafe. I actually want you to feel really, really safe with me. Get to know me, and when you’re ready, you can let me in. You can see more of me, and we’ll get closer. And you’ll get to know me better.”

The uncovering of the unseen in your experience is a journey. And sometimes it’s helpful to get support to interpret these experiences you’re having with your Spirit Team. I’m here for you for a one-on-one session if you need it!

Sara | Energy Healer | Psychic Mentor

Sara Gunther is a seasoned, certified energy healer and psychic medium with over 8 years of experience helping clients understand, release, and integrate energies, empowering personal healing in the emotional, spiritual and physical realms. Her practice, Cosmic Sagery, is focused on giving her clients and mentees the tools and support they need during their personal journeys — helping them have conversations with the cosmos within. She specializes in psychic mentorship, activation, and coaching in one-on-one and group settings.


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