Crystalline Body Activation
Crystalline Body Activation
The Heart Stone/Crystal is a crystalline core of your soul essence. This is a bridging point between your past lives and soul aspects with who you are now. It’s the transmutation power within you, coming to full life and activation, in order to transmute all energies into vital life force and soul power.
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Crystalline. Alchemical. Transformative.
The Heart Stone/Crystal Activation includes:
Prepping your heart space to receive your Heart Stone/Crystal. This may include some energy healing.
Calling in your guides who are already contracted with you for this moment.
Explanation and visualization of this ritual, the place for it, the soul ancestral support gathered, and more.
Guided visualization of the experience for you to feel and know for yourself.
After Heart Stone/Crystal is activated, ensuring it integrates with the Mind and Body centers.
Question and answer time after the experience to process, integrate and expand understanding.
What you can expect from this activation with Sara:
Activated centers for Crystalline Body energies to center, anchor and expand.
A hand-held experience through different visualization techniques that don’t require any previous experience or skill.
Emotions and sensations of love, peace, connection and a sense of “home.”
Connection with Spirit Guides and soul ancestors who love you very much.
Integration support, during and after the activation process.
Time to ask questions and explore answers.
A note from Sara: The Heart Stone/Crystal is something that comes to each of us when we feel called to receive it and integrate it. There’s no rush to have this happen. But when it does, it will be felt in all areas of your life. It will sing in your sou, it will heal in your body, it will activate your crystalline body at a genetic level, and it will support your further alchemical transformations.
The Heart Stone/Crystal
The Heart Stone/Crystal is the center point of the Crystalline Body. Your physical body is the vessel for your Soul in this single plane of reality. When the Soul awakens to the memories of Oneness, it knows itself as an inter-dimensional, multifaceted being of light, dark and frequency. This begins the shift to the Crystalline Body which can hold the soul in multiple planes of reality and a more vast expansion of consciousness. This is why the Alchemist’s term “philosopher’s stone” has the ability to transform base materials into ones of great value. And why it’s considered to be the elixir of life. It’s describing the alchemical process within to transmute base energies into ones of value to us, and thus to create an endless stream of vital life force energy that is regenerative, powerful, and whole. This is, in part, why and how the Heart Crystal/Stone will help us transform from our carbon based bodies into crystalline form bodies.
Other benefits include:
Spiritual Sovereignty is your guiding compass.
You ground within, to Self/Soul.
Remaining anchored through additional, rapid expansions of consciousness.
Tastes in food change to align with Earth Mother’s bounty.
Alchemical transmutation of all energy is comes more quickly until it’s instantaneous.
Connection to Earth Mother, the Cosmos, and others is strengthened, harmonized, and aligned.
The struggle is released into divine timing in all dream, manifestations, and desires.
Continued integration of soul aspects.
Continued understanding and expansion of soul worth, love and acceptance.
Sustained and regenerative vital life force energy.