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Psychic senses are exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.

Psychic Medium and Weaver Sara Gunther’s budding psychic methods transforms overload into confidence in your path, purpose and gifts — through a powerful woven relationship with the Unseen.

Budding Psychic Package+

$520 $650 ⋅ 2 payments of $260

✓ 5 personal sessions with Sara
✓ Budding Psychic Ebook
✓ Budding Psychics Monthly Zoom Call
✓ Exclusive Session & Retreat Discounts
Budding Psychic Session Roadmap

✓ Session 1: Identifying Gifts
✓ Session 2: Activating Heart Bridge
✓ Session 3: Meeting Spirit Guides
✓ Session 4: Channeling Spirit Guides
✓ Session 5: Soul Path Alignment

Budding Psychic Package

$198 $260 ⋅ 2 payments of $99

✓ 30-minute personal reading with Sara
✓ Budding Psychic Ebook
✓ 5-hr Budding Psychic Online Course
✓ Budding Psychics Monthly Zoom Call
✓ Exclusive Sessions & Retreat Discounts

About Sara Gunther

Cosmic Sagery ⋅ Psychic Mentor

Professional Psychic Medium & Weaver, Sara empowers others through highly shifting soul-weave readings and healings. Her soul purpose is to increase the world’s access to personal psychic expansion through resources, education and integration. Her 180k+ following on social media is a growing space to learn about awakening magic in the mundane. If you're not sure if the Budding Psychic path is for you, schedule a 15-min interview with Sara.

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