You’re not supposed to “see” auras.
The biggest block to psychic growth is comparison that creates unrealistic expectations.
We know we’re in the space of comparisons and expectations when we’re saying the works “should” and “supposed to.” Have you ever found yourself saying those words when describing your psychic experiences, or lack of them?
One of the most common comparisons is based on “seeing.” The majority of humans have physical sight as a sense they rely on to move through life. So when we hear the term “seeing an aura,” we think we’re “supposed to” see colors around people the same way I see a red shirt on someone’s body.
We have to stop expecting the spiritual world to be experienced the same way the physical world is. They operate differently, otherwise everyone would be seeing the spiritual overlapped with the physical right away. The spiritual world very much is not restricted by “shoulds” and “supposed tos.”
Accessing the spiritual is subtle, and we have to use our subtle sixth senses to indeed sense. You can use any of the psychic Clairs to sense the subtle unseens realms, such as the auric energy fields that are always emanating out and around people, as an energetic expression of who they are, what they’re about, what they’re feeling, etc.
Learning with curiosity, practice and experiments to see what works for you, and what doesn’t, is how you find your way of sensing that makes sense to you. That works for you, even if it doesn’t work that way for anyone else.
When you release the expectation that you’re “supposed to” see auras a certain way, you open yourself up to freely and abundantly sensing with any and all of your psychic clairs.
Because guess what… Colors can be experienced in more than just a visual way. They can be felt like a memory of a lemon, that brings you into the color of yellow. They can be known as a word of a color in your mind. They can even be smelled like lavender, telling you something is lavender purple.
Auras are expressed as a color of someone’s energy field. That color can be sensed in many different way. Once you have identified the color, you then need additional information and tools to read the aura. Reading means you’re able to identify why that color’s there, what it means in context, and how you can use that information to create more harmony in your life, as well as theirs.
Are you ready to dive deeper into how auras can benefit your life and keep you informed? In this webinar, you’ll learn how to sense auras your way. With education, practice, experimenting, and getting real in time support from me and Kelli, who are both experienced psychic mediums and mentors.
Register now for this Live Webinar where you’ll receive:
Training on how to see and read auras.
A color sheet for easy reference.
In person practice and experience (voluntary of course).
Answers to your questions throughout the webinar.
The recording for all registrants, even if you can’t make it at the scheduled time.